A tribute to the great classics of the Italian pasta-making tradition. Typical regional formats that interpret the heritage of knowledge and flavors of our land, with the passion and care that our family has been handing down for four generations.
We have selected a unique mix of durum wheats ideal for long processing pasta. We chose them for
their good gluten index and 14% of protein content which allows us to obtain pasta that, after cooking, remains thick and elastic, that is “al dente”.
For our pasta we only choose bronze-drawing machines which allow the surface of the pasta to be porous and rough, making it tough, resistant to cooking and perfect for holding each and every type of seasoning.
This technique inherited from the highest Italian pasta making tradition allows to preserve all the nutritional values of the ingredients: the total preservation of proteins, antioxidants, fiber and amino acids present in the raw materials, which are proved to be essential for the digestibility of the pasta itself.
Meliora is a brand of Gruppo Milo – Via T. Valente Palombaio s.n. – Bitonto (BA)| Italy
Operazione confinanziata dall’Unione Europea – POR Puglia 2014-2020 – Fondo FESR – Asse III – DS 3d – Azione 3.5 – Sub.Azione 3.5a